Saturday, September 20, 2008

Speed Racer(Complete Score)


1. I Am Speed

2. All He's Thinking About

3. Driving with Rex

4. World's Best Autopia

5. Thunderhead

6. Little Boy Meets Little Girl

7. Bomb/ Tragic Story of Rex Racer

8. To The Finish

9. Earthquake[Unused Cue]

10. Royalton

11. Flying to Royalton Industries

12. A Nice Comittee

13. Guideline

14. The Party

15. Evil Eye/Oh Crazy

16. The Offer/The Torture

17. Worlds Wost Road Rage

18. Racer X Talks to Toejo

19. Meeting Royalton

20. The Deal

21. Casa Cristo

22. Candy Mission

23. M -023

24. M -024

25. M -025

26. True Heart Of Racing

27. M -027

28. M -028

29. Inspector Detector/The Plan


01. M -032

02. M -032-2

03. M -033

04. M -034

05. Toejo Turns Trixie

06. Bumper to Bumper

07. Rail to Rail

08. The Maltese Ice Cave

09. Go Speed, Go!

10. 32 Hours

11. Grand Ol Prix Part I

12. Grand Ol Prix Part II/ Reboot

13. Let Us Drink Milk

14. Speed Racer Suite

15. Giacchino Talks-

16. Iron Fisted Mutha(Trailer Music) (BT & Nick Phoeinx)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, any chance to re upload this score? thanks!